Municipal Plans for Basic Sanitation and Integrated Solid Waste Management and the Regional Plan for Basic Sanitation of the Southwest
The Municipal Plan for Basic Sanitation (PMSB) and the Municipal Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS) are instruments required by Federal Laws No. 11.445/2007 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.217/2010) and No. 12.305/2010 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.404/2010) that established, respectively, the National Policies of Basic Sanitation and Solid Waste. Its implementations will make it possible to plan the municipal Basic Sanitation actions in the direction of the universal service. The PMSB shall cover the following services:
- Water supply;
- Sanitary sewage;
- Urban cleaning and solid waste management; and
- Rainwater management and drainage.
Based on the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) and the Association of the Municipalities of the State of Espírito Santo (AMUNES), the Service Provision Agreement No. 001/2013 was celebrated between Ufes and the Public Consortium for Proper Treatment and Final Disposal of Solid Waste of Doce-Oeste’s Region of the State of Espírito Santo (Condoeste), it was grounded on the waiver of bidding, based on Article 6, Item XI of Law 8.666/1993. The purpose of the contract is the elaboration of Municipal Plans for Basic Sanitation and Integrated Solid Waste Management of the municipalities of Afonso Cláudio, Águia Branca, Alto Rio Novo, Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Governador Lindenberg, Itaguaçu, Itarana, Laranja da Terra, Mantenópolis, Marilândia, Pancas, São Domingos do Norte, São Gabriel da Palha, São Roque do Canaã e Vila Valério. The Municipal Plans for Basic Sanitation and Integrated Solid Waste Management and the Condoeste’s Regional Sanitation Plan were delivered on February 23, 2016 during the Condoeste’s Regional Conference on Basic Sanitation held at SEST/SENAT of Colatina-ES.