Municipal Plans for Basic Sanitation financed by SEDURB
The Municipal Plans for Basic Sanitation (PMSB) and the Municipal Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS) are instruments required by Federal Law No. 11.445/2007 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.217/2010) that established, respectively, the National Policies of Basic Sanitation and Solid Waste. Its implementations will make it possible to plan the municipal Basic Sanitation actions in the direction of the universal service.
With the intention of enhancing the resolution of common problems, qualifying the results and optimizing the use of resources, the State of Espírito Santo, through the State Secretariat of Sanitation, Housing and Urban Development (SEDURB) chose to hire the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) for the elaboration of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plans and Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMSB/PMGIRS) for the municipalities of Alegre, Castelo, Conceição da Barra, Domingos Martins, Iúna, Jaguaré, Marataízes, Muniz Freire, Nova Venécia, Pinheiros e Sooretama. The PMSBs were delivered in October 2017 during the Public Hearings held in those eleven municipalities covered.