State Plan of Solid Waste of Espírito Santo (PERS-ES)
The State Plan of Solid Waste of Espírito Santo (PERS-ES) is an instrument required by Federal Law No. 12.305/2010 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.404/2010) that established the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS). With regard to Integrated Management of Urban Solid Waste (GIRSU), the aforementioned Federal Law has become not only the regulatory framework in Brazil, but also describes the prioritization of management actions, the promotion of social inclusion, the intensification of environmental actions. environmental education, selective collection, reverse logistics and shared responsibility for the life cycle of products, as well as the economic instruments for their realization.
For the elaboration of the PERS-ES, Seama hired Ufes justifying the hiring in the waiver of bidding, based on Art. 24, Item XIII of Law 8.666/1993. Internally, Ufes had the support of the team from the Laboratory in Environmental Sanitation Management (Lagesa) and the Espírito Santense Technology Foundation (Fest) for the preparation of the technical work proposal and the budget proposal, as well as the management and accountability of the contract within Ufes.
The PERS-ES covered the entire territory of the state of Espírito Santo, covering a horizon of 20 (twenty) years and was designed to meet the minimum content defined by art. 17 of Federal Law No. 12.305/2010 and art. 29 of State Law No. 9.264/2009. In addition, the PERS-ES was prepared in accordance with the objectives and guidelines of the National and State Policies, Basic Sanitation, Water Resources and Environmental Education, as well as the State Multi-Year Plan (PPA), among others.
To see the final version of PERS-ES click here or access: