PMAE/PMGIRS Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
The Municipal Water and Sewage (PMAE) and Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS) Plans are instruments required by Federal Laws No. 11.445/2007 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.217/2010) and No. 12.305/2010 (regulated by Federal Decree No. 7.404/2010) that established, respectively, the National Policies of Basic Sanitation and Solid Waste. Its implementations will make it possible to plan the actions of Basic Sanitation of the municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim towards the universalization of the service. PMAE and PMGIRS will cover water supply, swage and solid waste management services. With the intention of enhancing the resolution of commom problems, qualifying the results and optmizing the application of resources, on November 4, 2019 was celebrated between the Cachoeiro de Itapemirim City Hall (PMCI) and the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), with the intervention of Espírito Santense Technology Foundation (Fest), the service Provision Agreement No. 400/2019, based on the waiver of bidding, based on Article 6, Item XI of Law 8.666/1993. The object of the contract is the PMAE’s review and the preparation of the PMGIRS. Within Ufes, the Works will be managed by the Environmental Sanitation Management Laboratory (LAGESA).
The term of the agreement will be of 18 (eighteen) months, with services execution period of 12 (twelve) months, from the date of issuance of the Service Order, signed on November 14, 2019.