Lagesa offers Circular Economy and Urban Solid Waste Management course
Professor Renato Ribeiro Siman, head of Lagesa, will offer a Circular Economy and Urban Solid Waste Management course, which will provide support for the preparation of business plans and engineering projects.
In addition to training the elements in engineering, the course has as its secondary goal to spread to the external community the activities developed by environmental engineering and UFES postgraduate programs, strenghening relations between the internal and external community at UFES. Thus, the products developed during the activities can also be used in the elaboration of stricto sensu postgraduate research projects.
All participants who achieve more than 60% of achievement of their goals and presence above 70% will receive certificates of completion of course.
Target audience: Any graduation or technical training in the environmental area.
Calendar: Biweekly meetings will be distributed during the first semester of 2020, on 02/15; 3/7; 3/28; 4/4; 4/18; 5/9; 5/23; 06/13; 06/27; and closing on 07/11/2020.
Start: 15/02/2019
End: 11/07/2019
Opening hours: 8 am to 12 pm.
Adress: Núcleo Camaleão - Av. Saturnino Rangel Mauro (Rua do Canal, next to Ayrton Senna bridge), n° 365, interfone 06, Jardim da Penha, Vitória-ES.
*Investment: Free (limited)
To register, complete the eletronic form.