Lagesa suspends the activities starting this Wednesday, 18

Following the recommendations of Ufes and health organizations, Lagesa will be closed indefinitely, as a preventive measure to Covid-19.
A decisão foi tomada a partir da aprovação do Projeto de Resolução da Ufes que visa regulamentar a reorganização das atividades acadêmicas, administrativas e eventos no âmbito da Ufes, do período de 17 a 29 de março de 2020, com posterior prorrogação até 30 de abril de 2020.
The decision was taken after the approval of the Ufes Draft Resolution, which aims to regulate the reorganization of academic, admistrative and the events within the scope of the University, from March 17 to 29 of the year 2020, with subsequecent extention until April 30, 2020.
The Lagesa's team will continue to work from home during this period. If you need any information, please contact lagesa [at]