Artigo: Reference Scenarios for Policies to Minimize the Generation and Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste

O artigo publicado "Reference Scenarios for Policies to Minimize the Generation and Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste", escrito por pesquisadores do Lagesa, foi publicado no periódico The Journal of Environment & Development.
Os autores do manuscrito são os pesquisadores Tania Galavote, Thatiana Carvalho Coimbra, Gisele de Lorena Diniz Chaves, Luciana Harue Yamane e Renato Ribeiro Siman.
This article aims to design and propose time-evolution scenarios to support the implementation of policy instruments that promote recycling and minimize MSW generation. Two reference scenarios, Audacious and Realistic, are presented, drawing on international and Brazilian references and represented by S-shaped curves and your inflection points. For each scenario, instruments and guidelines are proposed and classified by experts for their applicability to Brazilian municipalities of various population groups. Findings highlight educational and economic instruments as primary drivers of recycling and waste reduction, yielding significant decreases in per capita generation (47%) and recycling rates (24% recyclables and 20% organics). The survey with experts confirms that these strategies are broadly applicable across different population groups. The proposed scenarios contribute to the policy instruments implementation to reduce MSW generation and promote recycling, enabling decisionmakers to select effective strategies for MSW management plans and supporting futurestudies in evaluating policy impacts through mathematical modeling.
Keywords: sustainable waste management, political instruments, msw minimization, organic waste, recyclable waste
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